- August 28, 2021
- 2:04 am
CBD For Dogs- Choose Hops Over Hemp For Safety

The allure of CBD for pets
CBD for dogs are even more popular today than CBD for humans. But can the same CBD for humans be given safely for dogs?
We know that pharmaceutical painkillers and medications have a harsh side effects on people and they aren’t really any healthier for our animals. So ranchers and farmers are turning to natural alternatives and CBD is emerging as the overwhelming favorite. Researchers at Cornell University found that dogs with arthritis who took CBD oil twice daily showed a significant decrease in pain and increase of activity.
A 2019 study of CBD on dogs with epilepsy uncovered evidence that higher CBD blood levels may cause a lower frequency of seizures.
An online survey of 2000+ licensed veterinarians in the U.S. suggested that the following conditions may be suitable for CBD treatment: pain, arthritis, seizures, gastrointestinal problems, anxiety & mood issues, tumors, motion sickness, fireworks & storm phobias.
The laurels of CBD for our pets came with a caveat- it shouldn’t contain ANY THC! With the legalization of marijuana in many States, marijuana toxicity in pets has become the leading cause of calls to Animal Poison Control Centers.
Hemp is a popular source of CBD for pets. But hemp, even “non detectable” hemp, has trace amounts of THC that can be toxic to pets. This article examines another, safe, option for CBD.

Is Marijuana Bad For Dogs?
The THC in marijuana is toxic for pets. Even in trace amounts. Veterinarians have been warning us about it for years.
THC will make your pet feel “high.” They may appear dazed, disoriented, and confused. They have difficulty walking and maintaining their balance. Other symptoms include:
Other Problems
THC exposure can also affect their heart rate and body temperature. In severe cases, it can cause tremors, seizures, and coma. The severity will depend on the amount of THC involved along with other factors, including the size of your pet.
Risks and Sources of THC Exposure for Pets
CBD from hemp is popular for humans. Many pet owners feed this CBD to their dogs, and pets. There is no hemp CBD that is devoid of THC. Therefore it is a dangerous source of CBD for pets and should be avoided.
Dogs are very curious creatures. You might think your pot reefer is not something your pet would eat. But frequent calls to Animal Poison Control Centers indicate that your marijuana stash is a toxic hazard for your pet.
Cats tend to be more picky than dogs, but they love to nibble on cannabis leaves if cannabis plants are grown in the home. Edibles containing THC are quite tasty for our pets. Ganja brownies, cookies, chocolates, and other treats are definitely a toxic temptation for them.
Synthetic CBD is also a growing problem and it affects pets more acutely than humans.

A Powerful Hops Based Alternative
A breakthrough discovery: a 100% natural, botanical CBD supplement made exclusively from Asian hops.
The patented (US Patent# US PP31,477) Kriya® hops plant contains high levels of the non-psychotropic cannabinoid CBD, terpenes and prenyl flavonoids. The plant naturally contains zero THC: not even in the smallest trace amounts. The hops used to make Kriya® Hops is a close relative of the common hops (Humulus lupulus) vine that is used for brewing beer. Kriya® Hops is gentle but it has powerful balancing effects on the endocannabinoid system.
Yet unlike cannabis products, it doesn’t come with the risk of intoxication, paranoia, cognitive impairment or other unwelcome effects.
The active compounds in Kriya® Hops act as natural, plant-based neurotransmitters that activate CB2 receptors in our immune system, gut, bones and brain – in addition to many other receptors. Kriya® Hops is a potent immune stimulant and it can also be used as a general tonic to promote a calm mood & healthy inflammatory response.
Kriya® Hops Outperforms Synthetic & Hemp-derived CBD
Not all CBD is created equal.
“Bioactivity” (as opposed to “Bioavailability“) refers to how much effect a substance actually has upon the body once it gets absorbed. Only one type of CBD, Δ2-CBD, is found in nature. Other inferior types of CBD are created when the molecule is made synthetically or gets denatured through heating or processing. In addition, the CBD extracted from different parts of the same plant can be significantly less bioactive (potent).
In one analytical study, we discovered that bioactivity levels among cannabis-derived commercial CBD products were quite low and variable. Kriya® Hops had at least 76% higher bioactivity.
A recent study by Dr. Luisa Rocha at The Center of Research and Advanced Studies suggests that CBD may calm a serotonin receptor that can trigger epilepsy. Three different types of CBD were tested for their ability to reduce seizures in rats. At high doses, synthetic CBD reduced seizures by 20% and hemp CBD reduced seizures by 60%. Only Kriya® Hops was able to stop all seizures 100%.
We believe that the high bioactive hops-derived CBD, made from premium flowers that are rich in synergistic terpenes, is the best source of CBD for pets.
Kriya® Hops Paste For Pets
Kriya® Hops Phyto Pets CBD paste contains approximately 50mg of CBD per mL of paste. Start low and gradually increase the dose on subsequent days until your animal gets the desired relief. Consult your veterinarian for more specific advice.
The product can be added to your pet’s food or fed directly into their mouth.
Phyto Pets with Hops CBD works well at low doses for general wellness maintenance & prevention. It is suitable for dogs, cats, birds and large farm animals. Small doses taken twice daily can help pets remain healthy, mentally well-adjusted and happy. Phyto Pets also supports calmer, more relaxed behavior during stressful situations – such as vet visits, travel, new visitors, separation anxiety and going into crates and carriers. A single dose approximately 1 hour before the anticipated event may help support increased calm and confidence.
Ask The Vet
Bay Area veterinarian Dr. Gary Richter has suggested the following CBD dosing guidelines:
- 0.5 – 5 mg CBD per 10 pounds of the animal’s body weight twice daily.
- Start low and slowly increase the dose every 4-7 days if there are no side effect.
- Frequent doses near the lower end of the range are more effective.
- Higher doses of CBD may be beneficial in certain circumstances.
- Consult your local veterinarian before feeding your pet CBD.

If you suspect your pet has been exposed to THC, you should contact your veterinarian or call the ASPCA® Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at 888-426-4435 right away. The APCC is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A consultation fee may apply, but a portion of that is covered by our pet insurance. Their experts have access to resources that can help diagnosis the problem and recommend next steps.
+1 888-426-4435
American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) 424 E. 92nd St New York, NY 10128-6804
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